Since its establishment, Plastonic Company has used new and high-quality materials produced in the country's petrochemical plants in the production of tanks. All of these raw materials have a Food Grade certificate from the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health. The additives used in the manufacture of these tanks also have a manufacturing license from the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health.
No, polyethylene tanks cannot be buried as a rule because they are not prepared for burial. If you need to bury the tank, you should consult with the company's technical expert to obtain the appropriate tank and follow the tank burial instructions.
Sodium hypochlorite, commonly known as bleach, is used in a variety of applications, particularly for the disinfection of drinking water and wastewater. When it comes to storing this chemical, there are three factors to consider: 1. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can degrade sodium hypochlorite, so special precautions must be taken to minimize this effect. 2. Sodium hypochlorite typically contains transition metals such as nickel, iron, and copper, which can be stored in a tank and cause off-gassing. 3. “Hypo” is a strong oxidizer, so all materials in the chemical storage tank must be stronger than their normal state.
Every year, due to the decrease in seasonal rainfall and the overexploitation of groundwater aquifers, we face a severe shortage of drinking water. Also, due to the increase in this shortage during the hot months of the year and the drop in urban water pressure, we must manage our water consumption and prevent problems related to reduced water pressure by installing drinking water storage tanks at the entrance of water pipes to the building.
One of the major problems in storing drinking water is the growth of algae and bacteria inside water storage tanks. Plastonic Company has prevented light from entering the tank by using colored layers in the production of multilayer tanks, thereby preventing the growth of algae and bacteria inside the tank. Therefore, the use of three-layer tanks for storing drinking water is recommended.
Due to continuous contact with water, especially at the welded points, metal tanks decompose and poison the water. One of these toxic substances is iron dioxide. However, plastic tanks (polyethylene) do not add any color, odor, or taste to the water due to the hygienic nature of the raw materials used in their construction. In addition, in multilayer tanks, algae growth and water pollution are prevented by preventing the passage of light.
Plastonic expansion tanks, due to having a foam layer, in addition to increasing thickness and creating strength, prevent heat exchange of the tank wall and keep the temperature inside the tank constant for a long time. Also, these tanks do not rust or get holes like metal tanks, and these tanks do not require insulation.
Single-layer tanks are produced using colorless polyethylene materials and, due to their semi-transparent walls, it is possible to observe the fluid level inside the tank. However, in multi-layer tanks, the presence of colored layers prevents light penetration and algae growth inside the tank.
According to the recommendation of the Building Engineering System Organization, each residential unit with 4 residents requires 250 liters of stored water during a 24-hour water outage. Therefore, based on the formula (250 * number of units = required tank volume in liters), the required water storage tank volume can be obtained.
Customers can share their desired design with the company's Research and Development (R&D) department and receive the necessary guidance from our colleagues in completing the design and assessing the feasibility of its production.
Most chemicals are compatible with polyethylene and can be stored in tanks, but for detailed inspection, you should contact the company's sales experts.
1- Ambient temperature: The lower the ambient temperature, the faster the water freezes
2- Time: The longer the duration of cold application, the lower the temperature of the liquid and the freezing will continue until it reaches the ambient temperature.
3- Volume of stored water: The greater the amount of stored water, the slower the freezing will occur.
4- Water circulation rate: The greater the water circulation (water is used on one side and the tank is filled on the other), the slower the freezing will occur.
5- Tank installation location: The greater the air circulation and wind around the tank, the faster the water will freeze.
These tanks, due to having a foam layer, in addition to increasing thickness and strength, keep the temperature of the liquid inside the tank constant and prevent the ambient temperature from affecting it, which is why they are suitable for use in hot and cold regions.
Installing a tank on the roof during power outages and when it is not possible to use a water pump can solve the problem of water outages or reduced water pressure, but during installation, you must ensure that the necessary water pressure is provided to fill the tank.