Invalidation of patent registration number 102519

9 October 2024

We are proud to announce that our company, a leader in the production of antibacterial polyethylene tanks, has succeeded in defeating another company’s baseless claim to patent this product by introducing the unique product “Plus Unique”. Following this claim, a trial was held and in the end, the court declared registration number 102519 invalid, thus proving the legitimacy and innovations of our company. This success reflects our commitment to providing high-quality and safe products to our valued customers.

By winning this challenge, we have not only defended our legal rights but have also become more determined to move forward on the path of providing innovative and health-protecting products to society. “Plus Unique” tanks, with their unique antibacterial properties, express our commitment to improving the quality of life of our customers and using state-of-the-art technologies in our products. This important achievement paves the way for us to develop and launch other advanced products in the future, and we continue on our path with greater enthusiasm.

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