2500 liter modular side septic tank

Plastonic septic tank, which meets all customer needs by utilizing the latest technology and quality raw materials.

Today, due to environmental pollution, the use of absorption wells to collect sewage and wastewater has been banned due to the spread of pollution to subsurface waters. The best choice for collecting domestic sewage and industrial wastewater is the Plastonic septic tank; which can be installed below and above ground and takes up little space. Its design is such that sewage can be collected, decomposed and naturally purified in each section. It is possible to add intermediate sections to improve the process, the minimum volume of this tank is 5000 cubic liters, and intermediate tanks with a volume of 2500 cubic liters can be added to the system according to the application. It also has excellent mechanical resistance to full and empty.

Special advantages of this product: It is very low cost and has a long service life compared to wastewater treatment packages, and it is also approved by the Environmental Protection Organization due to the lack of pollution to the environment.

This product is very easy to install, and in the event of any part being damaged, it is possible to repair or replace that part.

Providing a valid warranty and after-sales service by Plastonic Company provides customers with confidence and brings a safe experience of purchasing a polyethylene septic tank.

Has a health license from the Food and Drug Administration No. 49/15470

5-year replacement warranty and 10-year after-sales service

Has the National Standard of Iran No. 854633093